
Editor of Wired magazine Chris Anderson in his book "The Long Tail", which deals with economic issues, wonderfully described what is happening in today's music scene. In fact, the mankind moved from the paradigm "hits" to a paradigm "niche". In translation, in the mid-eighties and before, success in the music have been dictated by the charts, i.e. who was well placed was successful and famous, no matter what genre of music you're listening to. Although this is still present, the presence of niches of audience who listen to certain music genre, have their favorite authors who outside that circle may or may not be known, have their iconography, their sources, and their market, is increasing. Market work in such a way that , in contrast to the hits that is consumed much in a short period of time , these authors' products are consuming by small number of people, but over an extended period. (Quote: Momir Djekić - Svet Kompjutera Magazine December 2013, with my minor adaptations ). All this I wrote to explain that I made my list of the best albums from the niche that is called Americana (whatever that actually means), and that besides the albums that are in that genre, there are few of those who do not belong to Americana, but they somehow reach me and i loved it. It should be borne in mind that this is a subset of the 100 albums that belongs to a set of about three hundred, which I listened to past year, and that the vast majority of those who did not make it on the list and you think it should, I never listened . For a good part of the albums, I wrote a short explanation of why they are on the list , for some I did not. For those of you who have the will, let's go to the list! Comments are welcome !